Wednesday, September 11, 2013


To my first born,

You started school on Monday.  Way to make me feel like an adult.  I mean I know I should have maybe felt like one when I bought our home 13 years ago, or gave birth to you 3.5 years ago, or married your dad, or had your baby sister 13 months ago but no it took me standing watching you interact with the 8 other little first time preschoolers and your teachers.  My new adult sized heart just pumped with so much love and pride of how amazingly grown you have become.  You are so brave.  You never even looked back to make sure I was still there.  Our baby.  Our first born.  The boy that changed us the most and taught us what it feels like to love unconditionally.  We are so stinking proud of you.  I can not even put it into words how proud we are of you.  You have grown so much in the last 13 months since your baby sister was born.  You have had patience and tolerated so much and continue to.  You are her protector and she is your biggest fan.  Thank you so much for being my big boy.  My butter.  I love you with all my heart.   We love you to the moon and back!

You are my light,

Your Mama